Video Presentation Link and Lesson Plan Self Evaluation and Evaluation Form

Presentation Link
Prezi was used to create the presentation.

1.      What went well in this lesson? Why?
Generally, the lesson went really well. Students were active participants in the teaching learning process. The Vark analysis done by students in the class indicated that the dominant learning styles are multimodal ,visual and auditory, this allowed me to target students’ learning styles with activities that appealed to them. The anticipatory set which involved watching a video seemed to appeal to the students as their online posts had quite a lot of substance. The Webquest provided multiple means of engagement and the development of the wiki promoted active, collaborative learning from all students. Completing the quiz found at:  and receiving a certificate made the students quite excited.

2.      What problems did I experience? Why?
There were some technological problems as some students who were working on the campus complained that they had difficulty logging on to the course portal. The university was experiencing bandwidth issues. Another issue that was experienced was with students posts. A few students seemed to have forgotten that they need to write in English as they posts. There were several instances where students used broken English and shortened forms of words such as “&” ,”r”. Some students did not watch the educational videos in their entirety which was obvious from their responses.
3.      Was it “student centered”? Should it have been?
The lesson was very student centered. Students were constructing their own knowledge from information presented to them.The aim of the lesson was to make it as student centered as possible with students working in a constructivist, engaging learning environment.
4.      What could I have done differently?
The lesson presentation created at: could have included audio to appeal to the auditory learners. I could have given students clear instructions that all post must be in Standard English, to prevent broken English.

5.      What did I learn from this experience that will help me in the future?
     I have learnt that some resources can be provided offline for the students to use in-case there are problems with the internet. I have also learnt that it is crucial that as a facilitator that I provide resources that cater to all dominant learning styles, for example next time my powerpoint presentation will be an interactive presentation with sound text and animation.
6.      Preparation and research - Was I well prepared? - What could I have done differently?
I was well prepared for the class. I could have   used the flipped classroom approach where  the students are provided with the resources prior to class so they could watch the videos prior to the class. This would ensure that students can review the resources more than once if they need to.
7.      Written plan – Was I organized? Did the written format work? Is there a better form?
The lesson outline was placed online so the students can have access to it. This format works as students can always go back to the unit of instruction to see if the objectives were met or just to review the lesson.his format seems to be the best format although the lesson objectives and overview could have been recorded orally and presented to the students to view.
8.      Presentation – Were the students involved? Was I clear in my presentation? How was the pacing?
I think my presentation was quite clear and well paced. Students were actively engaged in the teaching learning process and they provided adequate feedback in the forums that confirmed their understanding of the content.
9.      Assessment – Does my method of assessment measure what I want? How did the class do?What should I change for next time?
     The method of assessment was varied and catered to different learning styles. The variation in assessment  was skewed to the learning styles that became dominant in the Vark questionnaire that was done prior to teaching this group of learners. The assessment measured what the objectives set out to achieve. Next time I would remove  at least one piece of the assessment as I feel there may have been an over assessment.


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