The Lesson: Market Segmentation












Module 4: Reflexive Learning in the Digital Classroom

Sandy Shaw

University of the West Indies

Dr. Debra Marshall-Stuart



October 24, 2019

Section  1: Lesson Overview
The section provides an overview of the general components lf the lesson

Teacher Name:

Sandy Shaw
Grade Level:

Adult Continuing Education


October 20,2019

Instructional Plan Title:
Market Segmentation,

Lesson Summary and Focus:
The overarching goal of this lesson is to help students learn about market segmentation. Students should have an understanding of bases for segmentation and the criteria for successful market segmentation.
Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:
The class which is taught in blended mode consists of 16 students (7 males, 9 females with an average age of 18 years. Vark analysis done by students in the class indicated that the dominant learning styles are multimodal visual and auditory. There are no real behavior concerns, however many of the students have very short attention span hence they have to be actively engaged in activities that interest them at all times.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
1.      accurately explain the concept of market segmentation, after watching a video.
2.      clearly discuss the bases of segmentation after reviewing pre-class reading materials
3.      identify the criteria for successful segmentation, after discussions and demonstrations with 100% accuracy.
4.      accurately analyze different target marketing strategies, after reviewing resource materials.
5.      accurately construct a perceptual map of the fast food industry given pre-class reading materials.
6.      actively participate in class activities by sharing ideas and willingly listen to the ideas of classmates during discussions.
Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology:
1.Video about :What is Market Segmentation:
3. Formative and Extension Activity :WebQuest
4. Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) for Competitive  Advantage:
This section provides an overview of the lesson delivery and the length of time for each activity.

Section 2: Lesson Delivery
Anticipatory Set
Students will watch the YouTube  video on: What is Market Segmentation by clicking on the link below:

Students will then post their initial understanding of market segmentation on a blog created by the facilitator:
After watching the video located at: students will post their modified understanding of market segmentation if their understanding has changed.

15 Minutes
Multiple Means of Representation
I will use  PowerPoint to teach students how to provide an overview of Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) for Competitive Advantage
A WebQuest will be used to get students to a construct a perceptual map of the fast food industry. The perceptual map can be constructed using any tool of their choice.
The WebQuest will discuss what is a perceptual map, the purpose of a perceptual map and how to construct a perceptual map.

 15 minutes 
Multiple Means of Engagement

Working in two groups students will be required to develop a wiki using Google Sites to :
a) identify the criteria for  successful  market segmentation,

b) analyze different target marketing strategies, after reviewing resource materials.
One group will work on identifying  the criteria for  successful  market segmentation
The second group will  work on analyzing different target marketing strategies
The third group will discuss the bases of segmentation
Each group will  reviewing pre-class reading materials to be found at :
(Students already know how to develop a wiki site from prior experience)
Formative questioning : Students will be asked to summarize what they have learnt about:
a)      the criteria for successful market segmentation
b)      different target marketing strategies
20 minutes
Multiple Means of Expression    20  minutes
Knowledge Expression
·         Students will share their wiki  with the facilitator and the rest of the class outlining :

a) identify the criteria for  successful  market segmentation,

b) analyze different target marketing strategies, after reviewing resource materials.

Wiki links will be placed on the course page so the rest of the class can have access.
Formative Assessment
Students will  be asked to summarize what you have learnt about :
a)the criteria for  successful  market segmentation

b)  different target marketing strategies
Summaries will be posted on the classblogspot at:

Respond to at least one of your classmates posts using the comments section of the blog:

Summative Assessment
Complete the  quiz on market segmentation found at :

Extension Activity and/or Homework
Students will choose a hypothetical business in a specific business sector, research the business sector and create a perceptual map of that business. This perceptual map will be posted on their group wiki sites for the rest of the class to view

Time Needed
20 minutes

Presentation Link
Prezi was used to create the presentation.

Additional Information
Implementation of the Learning Resources
I am very intentional about my classroom resources. Resources are aligned with the learning objectives and are used to help students understand the concepts being presented. The resources are used inside the classroom by students in the classroom in-order to enhance instruction and promote academic achievement. Resources are also used outside the classroom for extension of students learning student learning. Most resources are found online and can be accessed via multiple platforms for example phones tablets, desktop computers.
Support of Reflective-Reflexive Practices
 How do resources support reflective-reflexive practices in technology enabled environments?
Resources are used to help students reflect on the entire learning process. For example blogs are usually used to get students to post their reflective thoughts on an issue. In this lesson the blog can be found at: Students not only reflect on their own experiences but they reflect on the experiences of their peers. Students also use the resources to theorize. They have a hypothesis and they use the resources to prove or disprove the hypothesis. Finally they use the resources to describe their experiences; for example posting their thoughts about a topic.
Changes to Teaching Approaches
Changes to teaching approaches that must be embraced to effectively implement learning resources include fully catering for the diverse learning needs of the students. Many times the most dominant learning styles are catered for during the learning exchange. This places  some learners at disadvantage as they are forced to learn in a manner that is not their most dominant learning style.
Benefits, Drawbacks, and Challenges to Using Learning Resources
Many of the learning resources require internet connection to access them; hence if students do not have access to the internet they are unable to access the resources. The benefit of using these resources is that they are always available online hence the students can access at anytime.
Role in contributing to engaging students in reflective-reflexive practice  
I have an androgogical role to engage my adult learners in learning exchange that will enable them to achieve their greatest potential academically in the course that I am facilitating.


 Franciscus.Z (2010). How to create a wiki without any technical know-how using Google Sites. retrieved from

Shaw.S(2019) Identifying market segments:
Shaw.S. (2019) Class blog: retrieved from:
 Market Segmentation  (n.d) retrieved from:
Vcarlisle172 (2017). Market segmentation.  Retrieved from:
What is market segmentation (n.d): Retrieved from:


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